To become a successful investor in the stock market world, we need to develop fundamental and technical analysis skills. They are multiple ways to understand what is going on with your stocks.
Fundamental analysis is all about finding the company's financial details. Fundamental analysts analyze everything that can influence a company's value. This can involve both macro and microeconomic factors and the company's strategic planning, supply chain and even employee relations.
A technical indicator is a mathematical calculation based on historic price, volume, or open interest information aiming to determine the financial market trend. Technical Indicators usually overlay on price chart data to indicate where the stock price is going or whether the stock price is in an "overbought" condition or an "oversold" condition.
Many technical indicators can be displayed on the charts, but here are the list of best technical indicators to know.
- Moving Average
- Relative Strength Indicator
- Pivot Point
- VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price)
- Bollinger Bands