Intraday trading is all about buying and selling stocks within the same day. So, for example, if you buy 2000 shares of Amazon in the morning at Rs.500 and sell it by evening at Rs.525, you can book a profit of Rs 50,000 (2000×25) intraday.
Intraday trading is riskier than investing in the regular stock market. Beginners need to understand the basics of trading in order to avoid huge losses. Beginners are recommended to invest only the amount they can afford to lose without facing financial difficulties.
There are many Intraday Trading Strategies for traders to make money in the stock market. Here is the list of a few intraday trading strategies.
- Open High Low Strategy
- Moving Average Crossover Strategy
- Breakout Trading Strategy
- Momentum Trading Strategy
- Pullback Trading Strategy
Here are the few intraday trading tips listed below that should help investors in making the right decision.
- Determine Entry and Target Prices
- Utilizing Stop Loss for Lower Impact
- Book Your Profits when Target is reached
- Avoid being an Investor
- Don’t Move against the Market
- Use Intraday Trading indicators